Garoleth (Byond) Wiki
Garoleth (Byond) Wiki


Welcome to the wiki for Garoleth on BYOND, currently developed and hosted by Rojiru.

Garoleth on BYOND

The game is currently in BETA, and changes, updates, player/map wipes should be expected on a regular basis.

This is a game inspired by Dwarf Fortress. Choose a race of people you wish to play, and begin to grow your civilization. Each unit a player owns can be customized to a great extent through the RPG leveling system in place, up to level 100, and equip them with a variety of different armor, weapons, magic and blessings. If you're just getting started this Wiki holds all of the information you'll need to get the ball rolling, and if you're a long time player you'll find all the specifics you'll ever need.

What is Garoleth?

Garoleth is an RPG/RTS style game, where you begin by choosing the race of your civilization and then start leveling your units, growing ever larger and more powerful as you build strong fortifications and a well-equipped army.


A demon warrior attacking the human settlement.

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